Dr. Ariadna Reyes-Sanchez (Website Owner)
Assistant Professor in the College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Arlington
Email: Ariadna.reyessanchez@uta.edu

Bernardo R. Vargas
Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Texas
Crossing Latinidades Mellon Fellow
Email: Bernardo.vargas@unt.edu

Dr. Josh Newton
Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California, San Diego Homelessness Hub at UC San Diego Department of Urban Studies & Planning
Crossing Latinidades Mellon Fellow
Email: jdnewton@ucsd.edu

Luis E. Macias Barrientos
Ph.D Student in the College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Arlington
Emai: luis.macias@mavs.uta.edu