Refrigerators are the most commonly owned appliance among survey respondents: 85% of households report ownership. Following closely, 74% of households own a microwave and 72% have a flat-screen TV, indicating significant presence of convenience and entertainment technologies. Relatively high ownership levels for hot plates (61%) and ovens (48%) may indicate the community’s lack of traditional stoves and reliance on RV appliances. The complete absence of dishwashers (0%) reflects the lack of water access that supports using such appliances. Solar appliances in only 4% of households may imply limited adoption of renewable energy technologies due to financial constraints. At 15%, internet access is notably low. This represents a significant digital deficit that likely impacts resident access to information, services, and opportunities.

Figure 45. Range of appliances and technologies Springville residents use.

Figure 46. Hot plate as an alternative cooking appliance.

Figure 47. A resident’s photograph of a flat screen TV, a popular technology in Springville.